Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Computer Graphics - Billboard Construction

I’m beginning to create my billboard by tracing this picture of a billboard and using the perspective grid and lining it up with the billboard.

I then created a rectangle as the billboard and then dragged my slithering terror logo on to the billboard using the perspective grid.

I then dragged my slithering terror ride on to the billboard with a similar manner stated above and I also used the pathfinders divide tool to cut the bottom of the snake’s mouth off.

I finally added some poles to the billboard that were simply long rectangles with a gradient fill going from dark grey to light grey back to dark. And that is my billboard finished.

I then cut part of the billboard off around the “S” with the pathfinder tool, and then I copy and pasted that billboard on top of it’s self. With the newly copied billboard I made a clipping mask with the snake skin texture and then added opacity to it, so that it didn’t look too prominent and that it didn’t blend with the snake skin of the snake.

I finally added some poles to the billboard that were simply long rectangles with a gradient fill going from dark grey to light grey back to dark. And that is my billboard finished.

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